
Income Country Category
Income Country Category* EARLY BIRD
Until Feb 27, 2025
Until April 29, 2025 Until Jul 29, 2025 Until Set 30, 2025 After Set 30, 2025
Researchers, Health professionals, Other Professionals
High Income Country $385,00 $550,00 $675,00 $800,00 $850,00
Upper Middle Income Country $245,00 $350,00 $403,00 $463,00 $463,00
Lower Middle Income Country $175,00 $250,00 $288,00 $331,00 $331,00
Low Income Country $105,00 $150,00 $173,00 $198,00 $198,00
High Income Country $140,00 $200,00 $230,00 $265,00 $425,00
Upper Middle Income Country $105,00 $150,00 $173,00 $198,00 $231,50
Lower Middle Income Country $87,50 $125,00 $144,00 $165,00 $165,50
Low Income Country $49,00 $70,00 $81,00 $93,00 $99,00
Community leaders, civil society activists, non state actors
High Income Country $140,00 $200,00 $200,00 $265,00 $425,00
Upper Middle Income Country $105,00 $150,00 $173,00 $198,00 $231,50
Lower Middle Income Country $87,50 $125,00 $144,00 $165,00 $165,50
Low Income Country $49,00 $70,00 $81,00 $93,00 $99,00

Check below the ranking of countries by per capita income

Income Country Category* Countries
High Income Country Aruba; Andorra; United Arab Emirates; American Samoa; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Bahrain; Bahamas; The; Bermuda; Barbados; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Switzerland; Channel Islands; Chile; Curaçao; Cyprus; Czechia; Germany; Denmark; Spain; Estonia; Finland; France; Faroe Islands; United Kingdom; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Guam; Guyana; Hong Kong SAR, China; Croatia; Hungary; Isle of Man; Ireland; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Japan; St. Kitts and Nevis; Korea, Rep.; Kuwait; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Latvia; Macao SAR, China; St. Martin (French part); Monaco; Malta; Northern Mariana Islands; New Caledonia; Netherlands; Norway; New Zealand; Oman; Panama; Palau; Poland; Puerto Rico; Portugal; French Polynesia; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; San Marino; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Sweden; Sint Maarten (Dutch part); Seychelles; Turks and Caicos Islands; Trinidad and Tobago; Uruguay; United States; British Virgin Islands; Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Upper Middle Income Country Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Belarus; Belize; Brazil; Botswana; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Algeria; Ecuador; Fiji; Gabon; Georgia; Equatorial Guinea; Grenada; Guatemala; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Rep.; Iraq; Jamaica; Kazakhstan; Libya; St. Lucia; Moldova; Maldives; Mexico; Marshall Islands; North Macedonia; Montenegro; Mongolia; Mauritius; Malaysia; Namibia; Peru; Paraguay; El Salvador; Serbia; Suriname; Thailand; Turkmenistan; Tonga; Turkey; Tuvalu; Ukraine; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Kosovo; South Africa
Lower Middle Income Country Angola; Argentina; Benin; Bangladesh; Bolivia; Bhutan; Cabo Verde; Cameroon; Congo, Rep.; Comoros; Cabo Verde; Djibouti; Egypt, Arab Rep.; Micronesia, Fed. Sts.; Ghana; Guinea; Honduras; Haiti; India; Jordan; Kenya; Kyrgyz Republic; Cambodia; Kiribati; Lao PDR; Lebanon; Sri Lanka; Lesotho; Morocco; Myanmar; Mauritania; Nigeria; Nicaragua; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Papua New Guinea; West Bank and Gaza; Senegal; Solomon Islands; São Tomé and Príncipe; Eswatini; Tajikistan; Timor-Leste; Tunisia; Tanzania; Uzbekistan; Viet Nam; Vanuatu; Samoa; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Low Income Country Afghanistan; Burundi; Burkina Faso; Central African Republic; Congo, Dem. Rep.; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gambia; The; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Madagascar; Mali; Mozambique; Malawi; Niger; Korea, Dem. People’s Rep.; Rwanda; Sudan; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic; Chad; Togo; Uganda; Yemen, Rep.; Venezuela
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Early Bird Tickets

Promotional prices until February 27, 2025

Secure your seat today for a chance to learn from the best. Click the button below to check your quota based on your income country category.

Researchers, Health Professionals and Other Professionals
Policy Makers, Managers, Community Leaders, Civil Society Activists