Abstract Submission

Rules for Submission of Scientific Abstracts

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.

Submission Steps Deadline
Deadline for submit the Abstracts in three modalities:
Research, Case Reports, and Experience Reports
Until April 21, 2025
Deadline to submit the required corrections Until April 30, 2025
Final result of abstract evaluation Until June 20, 2025
Suggested deadline for digital media dissemination
(Oral presentation and Poster for Research and Case Reports Abstract and videos for the Experience Reports)
Until August 30, 2025

Main Author: Only the main author submits the Abstract (use same email of the login).

Maximum Amount of Abstracts as Main Author: 2 (two).

Co-Author: The main author must include the FULL NAME, E-MAIL, and AFFILIATED INSTITUTION of the co-authors of the Abstract in the submission process.

Abstracts Submission Date: Until midnight – (Brasílian time (BRT) – GMT -3) of the deadline.

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate: For the abstract to be presented at the Congress, published in the indexed proceedings Special Edition and issued a certificate, the main author must be registered with the Congress. The names of the co-authors will appear on the abstract submission certificate and in the journal’s publication.

Language: English – Official language of the event.

Three Modalities of Abstract

  • Research
  • Case Report
  • Experience Reports Abstracts

The Abstracts from the approved Research and Case reports will be published in a Special Issue dedicated to the Congress.

Presentation Format of Abstracts for Research or Case Reports

Poster (PDF) or Oral Presentation: Participants must indicate their preferences for the presentation format of their abstracts, whether as a poster or oral presentation. The Scientific Committee will make the final decision regarding the presentation format.

Official Platform for Experience Reports

Abstracts and Videos of Experience Reports on healthcare using Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM), as well as Indigenous Medicines, will be published on the IdeiaSUS platform of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ/BRAZIL), which records experiences in public health in the category of integrative and complementary practices. The publication will be in English and the videos must have subtitles in English if the video is in another language.

IMPORTANT: Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted under any circumstances. All abstracts submitted to the Congress must be carefully reviewed before submission on the online platform. Abstracts that do not meet the standards will be automatically disqualified. Changing files will not be permitted after submission.

Thematic Axis (ET)

Each abstract proposal must be linked preferentially to one of the thematic axes associated with the plenary sessions:

  • (A) Diversity in the Spectrum of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Modalities Globally:
    from codified traditional medicines and non-codified Indigenous Knowledge to complementary medical practices.
  • (B) Integration of Traditional and Complementary Medicine into the Healthcare System:
    from community and private primary health care to hospitals and public health care.
  • (C) Evidence-Informed Contributions and Research of TCIM to Global Public Health:
    from health promotion to challenging clinical conditions (e.g., mental health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.).
  • (D) TCIM Across the Lifespan:
    from pediatrics to elder care and palliative care.
  • (E) TCIM Education, Training, Capacity Building:
    empowering health professionals.
  • (F) Planetary Health, One Health, and Well-Being Societies:
    how to follow the path.

IMPORTANT: The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reclassify the thematic axis of the submitted abstract.

Completing the Abstract on the Online Submission Platform

Abstracts will only be received via an online form, which allows typing, copying, and pasting from a file.

Word Limit

  • For Research and Case Report: minimum 250 words and maximum 500 words, without references, tables, graphs, or highlights of any nature.
  • For Experience Report: maximum 1000 words.


3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, according to DECS.

Article File Size After Acceptance

  • Limit of 2MB for PDF of the poster.
  • Limit of 300MB for video.
Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.

Research Abstract Structure

Submissions of abstracts for quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed research, whether completed or in progress with preliminary results, are accepted. The following types of studies are accepted: preclinical studies (in vitro and in vivo experiments); controlled clinical studies; cost-effectiveness studies; systematic, scoping, integrative, and narrative reviews; service and program evaluation studies; theoretical-conceptual studies; and methodological studies. It is recommended to use EQUATOR checklists for different study methods. Please indicate Ethics Committee approval if applicable.


Concise, between 12-15 words.


Insert the full name(s) of the author(s)/co-author(s), title.

Author Affiliation

Insert the full name of the institution of origin, followed by the e-mail and ORCID (optional).

Abstract Sections

Introduction (implicit justification and clear objectives), Methods, Results and Discussion (in the case of ongoing research, present preliminary results), Conclusions.

Submission Requirements

When submitting the abstract, the following fields must be filled in:

  • Axis
  • Theme
  • Author(s)
  • Institution(s)
  • Body of the abstract
  • Related TCIM modality
  • Keywords
  • Preferred presentation format (Poster or Oral presentation)

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.

Case Report Structure

CARE Checklist – Guideline

  • Title: The diagnosis or intervention of primary focus followed by the words “case report”.
  • Key Words: 2 to 5 keywords that identify diagnoses or interventions in this case report, including “case report”.
  • Abstract (without references):
    • Introduction: What is unique about this case and what does it add to the scientific literature?
    • Main symptoms and/or important clinical findings
    • The main diagnoses, therapeutic interventions, and outcomes
    • Conclusion: What is the main “take-away” lesson(s) from this case?

1. Introduction

One brief paragraph summarizing why this case is unique (may include references).

2. Patient Information

  • De-identified patient specific information
  • Primary concerns and symptoms of the patient
  • Medical, family, and psycho-social history including relevant genetic information
  • Relevant past interventions with outcomes
  • Describe significant physical examination (PE) and important clinical findings.

3. Timeline

Historical and current information from this episode of care organized as a timeline.

4. Diagnostic Assessment

  • Diagnostic testing (such as PE, laboratory testing, imaging, surveys).
  • Diagnostic challenges (such as access to testing, financial, or cultural).
  • Diagnosis (including other diagnoses considered).
  • Prognosis (such as staging in oncology) where applicable.

5. Therapeutic Intervention

  • Types of therapeutic intervention (such as pharmacologic, surgical, preventive, self-care).
  • Administration of therapeutic intervention (such as dosage, strength, duration).
  • Changes in therapeutic intervention (with rationale).

6. Follow-up and Outcomes

  • Clinician and patient-assessed outcomes (if available).
  • Important follow-up diagnostic and other test results.
  • Intervention adherence and tolerability (How was this assessed?).
  • Adverse and unanticipated events.

7. Discussion

  • A scientific discussion of the strengths AND limitations associated with this case report.
  • Discussion of the relevant medical literature with references.
  • The scientific rationale for any conclusions (including assessment of possible causes).
  • The primary “take-away” lessons of this case report (without references) in a one-paragraph conclusion.

8. Patient Perspective

  • The patient should share their perspective in one to two paragraphs on the treatment(s) they received.

9. Informed Consent

  • Did the patient give informed consent? Please provide if requested? Yes No.

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.

Experience Report Structure

Rules for Experience Report Submission:

Font and Formatting

Use Verdana font, size 10, with 1.5 line spacing.


Concise, between 12-15 words.


Insert the full name(s) of the author(s), title.

Author Affiliation

Enter the full name of the institution of origin, followed by email and ORCID (optional).

When Sending the Report

The following fields must be completed: axis, theme, author(s), institution(s), information about the report, related TCIM modality, and keywords.

Rules for Experience Report Submission

  1. Font and Formatting: Use Verdana font, size 10, with 1.5 line spacing.
  2. Content Requirements: The submission must include the following sections:
    1. Title
    2. Author(s)
    3. Abstract
    4. Description (including contextual information on the area where the practice is implemented)
    5. Problems Addressed
    6. Results (if applicable; optional)
    7. Recommendations (or Challenges)
    8. References (in ABNT or Vancouver format)
  3. Text Limitations:
    1. Title should not exceed two lines or 25 words.
    2. Total text, including the title, must be at least one page in Word (equivalent to 37 lines in the specified format) and no more than two pages (equivalent to 74 lines), excluding references.
  4. Note: All sections listed above are mandatory, except for section f (Results).

Submission Deadline

Until April 21, 2025

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.

Types of Presentation

Poster Guidelines

According to the submitted abstract if accepted, the recommended structure of the poster is as follows:

  • Content: At the top, include the title, names of all authors and institutional affiliation, the logo of the Institution, and the Congress logo. It is recommended to use the minimum text and the maximum number of diagrams, figures, and tables. Organize the information sequentially into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Acknowledgements (when applicable).
  • Format: Use the PowerPoint file format (.ppt or .pptx) in a single slide, portrait orientation. Edit in PowerPoint and save in PDF format before submitting it to the congress website.
  • Page Size Configuration: 14.29cm x 25.40cm (width x height).

The font type and size chosen by the author must allow for adequate reading and viewing of the poster content. The posters will be available for viewing on the event website and during the Congress, grouped by thematic axes in the poster presentation session. Every author will be responsible for printing and exposing their poster in their specific period and place.

Oral Presentation

Selected Abstracts will be asked to present as oral presentations. The preparation and submission of a brief presentation is the sole responsibility of the author and co-authors. Use the PowerPoint event template for the first slide and preferably for all subsequent slides. The template is available for download on the website. The presentation must be limited to 10 (ten) minutes.

Videos for Experience Reports

Selected experience reports will be asked to send a 300MB video with subtitles in English to be hosted at the Fiocruz platform.

Date and Location

On an appropriate date, the date, room, and time of the presentations will be available for consultation on the event website. Oral presentations will be organized by topic groups in several rooms throughout the event. Posters will also be grouped and presented under different themes related to the Congress axes. Experience Reports will be organized by topic groups in several rooms throughout the event.

Submission Deadline

Until August 30, 2025

Abstract Submission, Publication in the Proceedings, and Issuance of Certificate

Submission of abstract in the Congress system depends on the registration of the main author, but without the need to complete the payment. For the abstract approved by the Scientific Committee to be presented during Congress, be published in the Proceedings as a special edition of indexed journal and its certificate is issued, it is necessary to complete the registration with the payment. The names of co-authors will appear on the certificate and Proceedings.